![]() In the first quarter of this year, more than 2,000 cyberattacks were launched from the continental US and its military bases overseas against many countries, especially China, focusing on a large number of Communist Party and government organs, critical information infrastructures, as well as important institutions of artificial intelligence, chip R&D, clean energy, advanced manufacturing and software development. In attempts to serve their national strategy of development, consolidate their hegemony in cyberspace, and contain China’s development, the US and British governments have been blatantly conducting cyberattacks on China and stealing our data. Those moves gravely jeopardize China's sovereignty, security and development interests. 依法治网的中国态度 China’s Law-based Cyberspace Governance 网络安全是各国面临的共同挑战,维护网络安全是国际社会的共同责任。中国坚持和平利用网络空间,坚决反对将网络安全问题政治化,坚决反对并打击各种形式的网络攻击,依法加强网络空间治理,积极应对网络安全威胁。 Cybersecurity has been a common challenge for all nations and maintaining it has been a shared responsibility of the entire international community. Abiding by the principle of peaceful use of cyberspace, China stands firmly against the politicization of cybersecurity and all manners of cyberattacks and will take proactive measures to deal with cybersecurity threats. 中国一直以实际行动加大依法管理网络力度,推动网络数字领域国家安全法律制度体系建设,统筹国内法治和涉外法治,不断筑牢国家网络安全屏障: China has long been strengthening its law-based governance of cyberspace, promoting the establishment of the legal system of national security in the network and digital domain, taking a coordinated approach to the rule of law at home and in matters involving foreign parties, in order to reinforce national cybersecurity barrier. ——2017年6月,《中华人民共和国网络安全法》实施,全面规范网络空间安全管理,维护网络空间主权和国家安全。 –In June, 2017, Cyber security Law of People’s Republic of China was implemented in an effort to regulate its cyberspace governance and safeguard its cyberspace sovereignty and national security. ——2020年9月,发起《全球数据安全倡议》,积极参与全球互联网治理进程,为网络空间国际治理贡献中国方案。 –In September, 2020, China put forward a Global Initiative on Data Security in a bid to take active part in global internet governance and contribute Chinese solutions to the international cyberspace governance. ——2021年9月,《中华人民共和国数据安全法》实施,强化数据出境安全监管,加强国家核心数据安全防护。 –In September, 2021, Data Security Law of People’s Republic of China was implemented to strengthen outbound data transfer security supervision and core data security protection. ——2023年7月,《中华人民共和国反间谍法》修订实施,明确网络间谍行为定义,依法严厉打击各类网络间谍活动。 –In July, 2023, the revised Counterespionage Law of the People’s Republic of China was implemented. The law gave a clear definition of cyberspace espionage and showed our determination to fight against all types of related espionage activities. 中国致力于在相互尊重、平等互利的基础上,与国际社会就维护网络空间和平与安全开展建设性合作,坚持尊重网络主权、不搞网络霸权,致力于共同构建和平、安全、合作、有序的网络空间命运共同体。 China is committed to the constructive cooperation with the international community in its efforts to protect the peace in cyberspace on the basis of equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit, to its respect for sovereignty and fight against hegemony in cyberspace, and to the construction of a shared future of peace, security, cooperation and order in cyberspace. 面对严峻复杂的网络安全形势,国家安全机关将在党中央坚强领导下,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚定不移贯彻总体国家安全观,坚决担当职责使命,坚定维护网络安全,会同有关部门防范应对网络安全领域的重大风险挑战,依法严厉打击境外势力对我开展网络攻击、数据窃密以及危害关键信息基础设施和重要信息系统安全的违法犯罪活动,不断增强网络安全防御能力,有力捍卫国家主权、安全、发展利益。 |