![]() –Technology: the US developed attack systems such as Turbulence, attack platforms such as FoxAcid, Hive and Bvp47, and attack weapons such as Validator and United Rake, among other Trojan viruses and backdoor malware. ——在组织上,有以攻击大型公司、科研院校和基础设施为主的美中情局(CIA),也有负责对全球进行无差别攻击的美国安局特定入侵行动办公室(TAO),以及拥有大规模成建制网络任务部队的美国网络司令部。 –Organization: CIA primarily attacks major companies, research institutions and infrastructures; the NAS Office of Tailored Access Operation (TAO) launches indiscriminate global attacks; and Cyber Command is a large establishment of cyber mission forces. 与此同时,美英等国还在一刻不停全面提速网络军事化进程,频繁开展网络空间军事行动,不断推动“先发制人”“网络威慑”等战略走实,为全球带来严重网络安全威胁。 At the same time, the US and the UK are speeding up the militarization of network on all aspects by taking frequent cyber military operations and further substantiating their “preemptive” and “cyber deterrence” strategy, posing a severe threat to the global cybersecurity. 贼喊捉贼的幕后黑手 The Thief in a Judge’s Robe 美英政府一方面对实施网络攻击习以为常,另一方面对国际社会指责装聋作哑,甚至出于地缘政治目的“贼喊捉贼”,编凑散布各种“中国黑客威胁”的虚假信息。事实上,中国才是全球网络攻击的最大受害者。 On the one hand, the American and British governments are carrying out cyberattacks almost as a matter of common practice, and on the other hand, they are playing deaf and dumb to the condemnation of the global community. On occasions, driven by geopolitical purpose, they even played the trick of a thief dressed in a judge’s robe, spreading disinformation of “threat of cyberintruders from China”, who, in fact, is the biggest victim of the global cyberattacks. 根据国家计算机网络应急技术处理协调中心(CNCERT)近年来发布的报告,在中国遭受境外攻击来源地排名中,美国一直“独占鳌头”。部分公开披露的案例显示: According to recent reports from the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China (also known as CNCERT/CC), among all the attacks China has received from overseas, those originating from the US top the list. Here are some cases that have gone public: ——2022年2月,隶属于美国安局的黑客组织“方程式”被曝光利用“顶级后门”,对包括中国在内的45个国家和地区,开展了长达十余年的网络攻击。 –In February, 2022, Equation, a hacker group tied to US National Security Agency (NSA), had, for over a decade, been launching cyberattacks against 45 countries and regions around the world, including China, with “top backdoor malwares”. ——2022年4月,西北工业大学遭遇境外网络袭击,幕后黑手TAO部署了超过40种专用网络攻击工具,长期持续对我国内目标实施了上万次恶意攻击,窃取大量高价值数据。 –In April, 2022, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, was cyberattacked from overseas. TAO had deployed over 40 cyber arsenals, carried out over 10, 000 long and persistent malicious attacks against targets in the Chinese territory and stolen massive amounts of high value data. ——2023年7月,武汉市地震监测中心遭受网络攻击,攻击地址来源于美国,且使用的“后门”恶意软件符合美国情报机构特征。 –In July, 2023, Wuhan Earthquake Monitoring Center was under cyberattacks from the US. The detected backdoor malwares matched the characteristics of those from American intelligence agencies. 仅今年一季度,自美国本土及其海外军事基地,对包括中国在内的多个国家实施网络攻击活动的频度就高达2000余次,涉及我国党政机关、关键信息基础设施,以及人工智能、芯片研产、清洁能源、先进制造、软件研发等领域的一大批重点单位。美英等国为服务其国家发展战略,巩固网络霸权地位,针对中国大肆实施网攻窃密和数据窃取活动,意在打压遏制中国发展,严重危害我国主权、安全和发展利益。 |